Tac Sack Give Away!

I'll be hosting a give away on my platforms and on my channels for this month. Like/ Share/Subscribe for more details!

Gun Club Radio

Let's talk. About Trump. National Carry & The NFA https://www.youtube.com/live/T5wGtKBdGWY?si=4hieD2V_NzrQspMr

I Need a Hero: You are t

I Need a Hero: You are the First Responder What will you do in a situation where you may have to save a life? Are you ready to step up and be...

Amidst the Static is Heard an Innocent Cry

While everyone is distracted by trivial matters of baby oil and other debauchery, they're about to execute another Black man without any viable evidence of guilt. The fact that they slipped this...

Can the SIG P365 Put the Glock 19 Out of Business?

The Glock 19 has long been a benchmark in the handgun world. Its combination of reliability, versatility, and simplicity has made it a top choice for military, law enforcement, and civilians alike....

The Dark Secrets of 4X Trading Exposed

https://youtu.be/gk6OpBniuS8 SZN.3 EP.10 Welcome to the Pop Culture 223 Podcast, where we're changing the game and diving deep into whether trading could be the secret to closing the wealth gap! 🎯💰 This episode isn't...

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The Significance of the AR-15 Rifle in Civilian Hands

In recent years, the AR-15 rifle has been at the center of contentious debates surrounding gun control and its relevance in civilian ownership. This article aims to delve into the broader reasons...

Abraham Galloway: How the Use of a Gun Helped Secure his Freedom

Abram Galloway was an American abolitionist who played a significant role in the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses used by slaves to escape to freedom. Galloway was...

Michael Cargil’s Victory in the Fifth Circuit: Setting a Precedent for Future Firearms Regulations

Michael Cargil's recent victory in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has set a precedent for future cases involving federal regulations on firearms. The case, which concerned the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' interpretation of the federal prohibition on machine guns as extending to bump stocks, has far-reaching implications for the interpretation and enforcement of federal firearms regulations.

The importance of hemorrhage control in emergency situations

Hemorrhage control is a crucial aspect of first aid and emergency care. It refers to the process of stopping bleeding in order to prevent serious injury or death. In emergency situations, quick...

Selecting a firearm for self-defense

Introduction When it comes to selecting a firearm for self-defense, it's important to approach the decision with care and consideration. Owning and carrying a firearm can be a serious responsibility, and it's essential...

How To Get Your Concealed Carry Permit/License – USCCA Approved!

The Supreme Court’s ruling in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen case ushered in a new era in the history of gun control. Now more than ever, citizens...


The number of concealed carry permits being issued to firearm owners has increased in recent weeks. This is in light of the June 23rd Supreme court ruling on CCW which has encouraged...


On June 23rd, 2022, the United States Supreme court in a 6-3 split decision ruled that the New York law requiring residents to provide a proper cause before being given a concealed...

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